Individuals must meet at least the following criteria on a continuing or intermittent basis:
- Have difficulty in establishing or maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that they are at risk of hospitalization* or out-of-home placement because of conflicts with family or community.
- Exhibit such inappropriate behavior that documented, repeated interventions by the mental health, social services or judicial system are or have been necessary resulting in being at risk for out of home placement.
- Exhibit difficulty in cognitive ability such that they are unable to recognize personal danger or recognize significantly inappropriate social behavior resulting in being at risk for out of home placement.

- Within the two weeks before the intake, the individual shall be screened by an LMHP type for escalating behaviors that have put either the individual or others at immediate risk of physical injury such that crisis intervention, crisis stabilization, hospitalization or other high intensity interventions are or have been warranted; REFER to Emergency Services for Assessment if necessary.
- The parent/guardian is unable to manage the individual’s mental, behavioral, or emotional problems in the home and is actively, within the past two to four weeks, seeking an out-of-home placement.
- A representative of either a juvenile justice agency, a department of social services (either the state agency or local agency), a community services board/behavioral health authority, the Department of Education, or an LMHP, as defined in 12VAC35-105-20, and who is neither an employee of or consultant to the IIH services or therapeutic day treatment (TDT) provider, has recommended an out of-home placement absent an immediate change of behaviors and when unsuccessful mental health services are evident.
- The individual has a history of unsuccessful services (either crisis intervention, crisis stabilization, outpatient psychotherapy, outpatient substance abuse services, or mental health skill building) within the past 30 days.
- The treatment team or family assessment planning team (FAPT) recommends IIH services or TDT for an individual currently

Out of Home Placement
These services shall be provided in this level of care when the clinical needs of the individual put him at risk for out-of-home placement, as these terms are defined in this section:
- When services that are far more intensive than outpatient clinic care are required to stabilize the individual in the family situation, or ;
- When the individual’s residence as the setting for services is more likely to be successful than a clinic ;
- At least one parent/legal guardian or responsible adult with whom the individual is living must be willing to participate in the intensive in-home services with the goal of keeping the individual with the family.
- In the instance of this service, a responsible adult shall be an adult who lives in the same household with the child and is responsible for engaging in therapy and service-related activities to benefit the individual.